NOVEMBER 17, 2023---During the Monthly Mass for November, the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) among different departments in the school community were launched. BECs are formally defined as small communities of Christians, usually of families, friends or colleagues, who gather together around the Word of God and the Eucharist. These communities are untied to their pastors or parish priests but are ministered to regularly by lay leaders. The members know each other by name and share not only the Word of God and the Eucharist but also their concerns both material and spiritual. They have a strong sense of belongingness and of responsibility for one another.
The newly elected officers of the Divina Pastora College Alumni Association (DPC-AA) also took their oath and received the blessing of God and the school community. May the new DPC-AA officers, guided by our patroness La Virgen Divina Pastora, create more opportunities for dialogue between the school and the alumni and bridge alumni locally and worldwide to other alumni, for the purpose of strengthening and bringing positive change to the DPC community.