The Consultative Meeting with Parents and GPTA Elections were held October 21 in Convento del Agustino. The School President, Fr. Jose Salvador Mallari, presented to the Homeroom PTA (HPTA) Officers the new Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Core Values and Objectives of the school, as well as the school's strategic directions for the next three years and the Teaching-Learning Modality effective November 2022. Here are the newly elected GPTA officers for SY 2022-2023: GENERAL PTA OFFICERS (K to 12) for School Year 2022-2023 President: Engr. Edgar Tiburcio Vice-President for Preschool and Grade School: Dra. Grace Balagtas Vice-President for Junior High School: Ms. Ginky Yuzon Vice-President for Senior High School: Ms. Cynthia Sison Secretary: Ms. Anne Ordonez Treasurer: Ms. Jonalyn Davila Auditor: Mr. Jumer de Leon Business Manager: Ms. Camille Manuel Public Information Officer: Ms. Purah Jacinto Peace Officer: Mr. Ruel Hipolito Adviser: Mr. Eladio Villamayor Jr. (former GPTA President) *The Homeroom PTA Presidents of all sections will serve as representatives. The school administration looks forward to strengthened partnership with parents in the attainment of its educational goals, for the holistic formation of all learners, and for a deeper sense of ownership among internal and external stakeholders.
